Frequently Asked Questions

What does it mean to digitalize an asset?

It means to attach some rights of the asset to a digital token that can be easily transferred or traded. Usually, it is property rights, but it can be anything.

Can you digitalize anything?

Yes. Any right over any asset can be digitalized.

Is it legal?

Yes. All our work follows the provisions of the Swiss Distributed Ledger Technology Act and other accompanying Swiss legislation. Any right that you digitalize will be as enforceable as before digitalization.

Is it safe?

Yes. We follow the highest security standards and work with established and reputable technology providers so there are no incidents. Moreover, even if there was a security incident, the law requires us to have recovery processes in place so you can’t lose your tokens.

How much does it cost?

It depends on the complexity and size of the rights and assets to digitalize, but it is not an expensive process. It is important to mention that the management of digitalized assets is more efficient, so the cost is usually recovered over a short period of time.

Who are you?

We are a group of finance, real estate, and blockchain professionals that want to digitalize alternative investments so they are more flexible and accessible. You can find more about us here